19SC02235 Andres Joaquin Chacon vs. Vanda MIchael Ayoub

19SC02235 Andres Joaquin Chacon vs. Vanda MIchael Ayoub

Claim Amount:  $307.33

Claim Date:  05/22/2019

Chacon, Andres Joaquin – Plaintiff

Address:  5163 Kankakee Dr. Sacramento, CA  95835

Ayoub, Vanda Michael – Defendant

Address:  1526 Faletto Ave, Sacramento, CA  95835

Cost of repair for damage of plaintiff’s vehicle caused by defendant already paid by Plaintiff

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Lance Casey & Associates provides Small Claims Court Services for Carol Miller Justice Center. The Carol Miller Justice Center is located at 301 Bicentennial Circle, Sacramento, CA 95826. Our firm provides the following Sacramento small claims services: